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Susan Rice | Mary C. Curtis

POLITICAL WRAP: Biden VP Pick; Election Interference?

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – This week, Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden could announce his running mate.

So who are the final contenders?

And what factors will go into the former Vice President’s decision?

And the U.S. intelligence community’s top election security official is raising concerns about election interference.

Our political contributor Mary C. Curtis has more in the video above.

Mary C. Curtis: Who Will Joe Biden Choose as His Running Mate?

CHARLOTTE, NC — Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is expected to name his vice-presidential pick next week, before the Democratic National Convention convenes.

Biden has pledged to choose a woman as his Vice President but the big question is…who will he pick?

Political contributor Mary C. Curtis breaks down the top contenders.

On Susan Rice and How a Non-candidate Is Treated

There the posse of senators stood, facing a bank of microphones and television cameras before the full story was known, criticizing an Obama administration official. That official’s offense? Making statements in front of the cameras and on television before the full story was known. It is the enduring image of the drama—or would it be farce—called “when Susan Rice met Washington’s political buzz saw.”

What was striking in the seemingly endless coverage was how little actual information was revealed about Susan Rice or the tragic attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, when U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack first thought to be a protest over an anti-Muhammad video. Was the crucial issue ever a supposed attempt by Rice to mislead, as her critics contend? Or did posturing in partisan Washington, always a part of the show, get in the way of the truth, and did the media do enough to cut through the clutter?