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Equal Pay Day: Marking Women’s Journey and the Road Ahead | Mary C. Curtis

Equal Pay Day: Marking Women’s Journey and the Road Ahead

In her statement marking Equal Pay Day on April 9, North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan said, “Fifty years ago Congress passed the Equal Pay Act making equal pay for equal work the rule of law. As we commemorate this landmark piece of legislation, it is important to remember that our work is not done.”

Her words were a reminder of challenges for women in the state: “Women across America face wage discrimination, and in North Carolina women make 81 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn. In today’s tough economic landscape, equal pay is about more than just principle; it is about ensuring an economically sound future for all of our families.”

That’s what it’s about – families. For those who would relegate “women’s issues” to the sideline of political conversation, it’s important to remember the role women play in the economy and their place as a backbone of family survival.