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Featured at Black News Channel | Mary C. Curtis

GOP Support of Canadian Truckers Highlights Hypocrisy of BLM Criticism

Appeared on Black News Channel #Prime with Charles Blow to discuss the endorsement of Canadian truckers’ protest by many Republicans, including Sen. Rand Paul, who called hecklers a ‘crazed mob,’ the same folks who condemned BLM, whose states have been passing laws allowing motorists to run over protesters.

Meeting between Biden and NYC Mayor Eric Adams could impact policing and politics

President Biden will travel to New York City to meet with Mayor Eric Adams to discuss what the White House is calling the “administration’s comprehensive strategy to combat gun crime.” Adams, who has called himself the face of the new Democratic Party, released a controversial “Blueprint To End Gun Violence” last week.
It includes bringing back an NYPD plainclothes unit disbanded in 2020, controversial changes to bail reform and federal gun laws and increasing policing.
CQ Roll Call columnist and Equal Time podcast host Mary C. Curtis and BNC contributor Brittney Cooper join Charles Blow on “Prime” to discuss.

Conservatives Accuse President Biden of Playing Identity Politics

Great discussion on Black News Channel with host Charles M. Blow and Rewire News Group’s senior editor of law and policy Imani Gandy on “identity politics” accusations toward #PresidentBiden and anticipated conservative opposition to Biden’s #SCOTUS nominee, on #PRIME.

Younger Progressive Dems May Replace Outgoing CBC Members

Two Friday night appearances on Prime with Charles M. Blow on the Black News Channel, to talk about what next on voting rights, and how a new generation of young, progressive members of the Congressional Black Caucus could change politics:

The state of democracy one year after January 6

Talked about the state of democracy one year after January 6 with Charles Blow and Ohio State professor Hasan Kwame Jeffries on BNC’s ‘Prime.’

Kamala Harris and President Biden Haven’t Discussed Re-Election

#KamalaHarris gave a recent interview to the #WallStreetJournal and discussed a number of things from immigration to reelection. Laverne McGee, Sisters Lead Sisters Vote President Holli Holliday and Mary C. Curtis break down some of her responses and more, on #PRIME.

Is Vice President Kamala Harris’ Team on the Outs?

Reports of tension among VP Kamala Harris’ team has many questioning her future and more. To discuss why so much scrutiny is being placed on Harris, Charles M. Blow brought on The Guardian opinion columnist Michael Harriot and #CQRollCall columnist Mary C. Curtis.

Omicron Surge Worrying Experts as Holiday Travel Increases

Tonight, Laverne McGee, BNC chief medical editor Dr. Corey Hebert, MD and podcast host Mary C. Curtis discuss #omicron. The variant is surging and we’re starting to repeat the same worrying events that occurred in earlier #COVID days. #PRIME

South Carolina Legislators Approve Execution by Firing Squad

Charles Blow sits down with Roll Call columnist Mary C. Curtis on the South Carolina House, adding death by firing squad as an execution method for inmates on death row because of the lack of lethal injection drugs. “A lot of companies don’t want to be involved in this,” Curtis tells Blow on why states are running out of these lethal; injection drugs. “They gave prisoners on death row an option to do lethal injection or the electric chair since they don’t have the drugs.”