He Said, She Said, We Said, You Said

For the latest Weekend Watch Party, our critics cued up “His Girl Friday,” Howard Hawks’s fast-paced 1940 newspaper comedy about a big-city editor and the ace reporter who also happens to be his ex-wife. The romantic, journalistic and political high jinks that drive the picture defy easy summary, but there are a lot of spoilers here. The two leading players — Rosalind Russell as Hildy Johnson and Cary Grant as Walter Burns — have a lot to say. As did our own newsroom motormouths and, of course, the soul of any paper, printed or digital — you, our readers.

Roger Ebert: Passionate critic, half of a great love story

His long and loving tribute to the woman who ended his bachelorhood showed how much his passion for film extended to the partner he credited with completing his life.