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Duke University | Mary C. Curtis

Black Issues Forum: Biden MAGA GOPers, Student Debt and Black Women Athletes

President Joe Biden uses bold language to call out MAGA Republicans, and his student debt relief package marks another promise kept. Serena Williams evolves from tennis while Black women athletes on the Duke volleyball team continue to fight for respect. Journalist Mary C. Curtis, attorney Harold Eustache and UNC student Greear Webb join host Deborah Holt Noel to share their perspectives.

Second acts for Paula Broadwell and David Petraeus

Author Paula Broadwell and retired Gen. David Petraeus are in the news again – for different reasons and with very different reactions.

Broadwell, a guest speaker Tuesday at one of the best-attended Rotary Club of Charlotte meetings ever, is settling back into her life with her doctor husband and two young sons. The club’s report on her appearance featured the topic of her speech, military veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. There was no mention of the frenzy that last November accompanied news of her affair with then-CIA director Petraeus.