Local News Roundup: Break Point proposal in River District; County tax hike probable; No 4-year terms for council; Cooper on statewide tour on abortion veto

Gov. Cooper visits Davidson to talk about his plans to veto the abortion bill on his desk, saying he just needs one Republican member to defect and vote to keep his veto.

City and County officials are considering plans for an international tennis tournament project in the River District, west of the airport. Project Break Point would be a public-private partnership and developers hope it would be the home of the Western and Southern Open.

Mecklenburg County Manager Dena Diorio says additional funds are needed to fund all the county’s proposed projects in the upcoming budget, which means a property tax is likely. The budget will be presented next week.

This week – the Charlotte City Council voted against holding a referendum this year on four-year terms.

We’ll have more information on last week’s story about the hotel and food taxes that Mecklenburg County legislators proposed to be extended.

And the naming rights are up soon at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte.

Mike Collins and our roundtable of reporters delve into those stories and more, on the Charlotte Talks local news roundup.


Mary C. Curtis, columnist for Rollcall.com, host of the Rollcall podcast “Equal Time”
Steve Harrison, WFAE’s political reporter
Joe Bruno, WSOC-TV reporter
Shamarria Morrison, WCNC reporter

Charlotte Talks With Mike Collins