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Featured at Radio One | Mary C. Curtis

African American History Makers Continue to Inspire our Youth

The history of African Americans is replete with people that exude the kind of dignity, respect and integrity exemplified by the participants in the ‘Fifth Annual Back to School with the History Makers’ program. Featured prominent in this year’s program and representing North Carolina are Mr. Lenny Springs and Mary C. Curtis. Both Springs and Curtis are having a huge impact in the African American Community. Mr. Springs is a Bank Executive, Founder of North Carolina’s 100 Black Men of America and served as Chairman of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission. Ms. Curtis is a Newspaper Editor, News Correspondent and worked for worked for both the New York Times and Baltimore Sun. She’s currently a Contributor to the Washington Post. ‘COMMUNITY VOICES’ host, Ron Holland, talked with both Lenny Springs and Mary C. Curtis about their involvement with the History Markers and efforts to inspire young people to achieve.