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Featured at CCTV | Mary C. Curtis

The Heat: Media, polls & U.S. politics

On China Central TV’s ‘The Heat,’ discussing media and the elections, with Kathy Kiely, Joe Madison, Sean Callebs and anchor Anand Naidoo:


The Heat: Democratic National Convention Part 1

Democrats choose a candidate, with some bumps along the way.

The Heat: The Democratic National Convention, Part 2

Democrats gather in Philadelphia to formally select their presidential candidate. Could Hillary Clinton be the next president of the United States?

The Heat: The State of U.S. Race Relations, Part 2

The shooting in the U.S. state of Louisiana was the latest in a month of extraordinary violence and racial tension in the United States.

Investigators said the shooter, an African American marine veteran, ambushed and killed three officers and injured three others before being killed by law enforcement. The incident happened just weeks after police officers in Baton Rouge were caught on camera shooting a black man several times.

The violence has focused renewed attention on how African Americans are treated in the U.S. and the larger issue of race relations.

The Heat: The State of U.S. Race Relations, Part 1

The shooting in the U.S. state of Louisiana was the latest in a month of extraordinary violence and racial tension in the United States.

Investigators said the shooter, an African American marine veteran, ambushed and killed three officers and injured three others before being killed by law enforcement. The incident happened just weeks after police officers in Baton Rouge were caught on camera shooting a black man several times.

The violence has focused renewed attention on how African Americans are treated in the U.S. and the larger issue of race relations.