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2020 March | Mary C. Curtis

Archives for March 2020

Future Of Democratic Debates, Is The Stimulus Package Enough?

CHARLOTTE — Are the Democratic debates over because of the Coronavirus Pandemic?  Apparently, Joe Biden hopes so.  Right now, there are no debates on the April schedule between the former Vice President and Senator Bernie Sanders.

And, last week, Biden said, “I think we’ve had enough debates and we should get on with this”.

Also, the checks will soon be in the mail or the bank account of millions of Americans after the President signs a two-trillion dollar stimulus package.  But, will that be enough given the soaring unemployment numbers?

WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis weighs in in our Watch on Politics.

An escape from reality is tempting, but America needs truth from its leaders

It was selfish to even ask the question: Will Broadway turn the lights back on in a month, as promised?

Turns out that’s doubtful, despite a goal of an April 12 reboot. Those tickets I had scored are worthless either way, since that particular show in previews, “Hangmen,” has announced it has permanently closed before it officially opened.

Considering New York’s many troubles — the mounting human toll of the coronavirus, the shortage of hospital beds and protective equipment for health workers, the many thrown out of jobs — the fate of one show is just one item on a long list of things shaken by the global pandemic. Many who are rationing supplies and struggling to replace lost wages couldn’t afford a Broadway ticket in the best of times.

So, yes, selfish. But understandable, when in a world of uncertainty and danger in possibly the air we breathe, and on every object or human we touch, escape and connection are things we crave. Friends are trying new recipes, joining online dance parties and yoga classes, adopting dogs and often channeling unexpected free time into worthy activities, like my talented niece sewing face masks for the medical health pros who desperately need them.

White House and Senate Agree on $2 Trillion Stimulus Deal

CHARLOTTE, NC — The white house and senate leaders reach a $2 trillion dollar stimulus deal to help Americans strained by the coronavirus outbreak.

Political contributor Mary C. Curtis is breaking down what the deal means for you.

POLITICAL WRAP: Trump Coronavirus Briefings; Burr Ethics Controversy

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – President Trump went off on a reporter last week. Are his daily briefings on coronavirus reassuring the public?

And Richard Burr sold up to $1.7 million in stock just before the market started crashing.

Click for more with WCCB Charlotte Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis.

The Heat: Impact of COVID-19 on U.S. Election

Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden dealing a crushing blow to rival Bernie Sanders, all but clinching the party’s nomination.

Sanders meantime refusing to bow out, says he’s staying in the fight. All this as the coronavirus takes center stage, threatening to upend the election.
We begin our coverage with CGTN’s Nathan King live at the White House.

  • Mary C. Curtis is a columnist for Roll Call
  • Joel Rubin is a Democratic Strategist and political commentator and analyst.
  • Merrill Matthews is Resident Scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation.
  • Ameshia Cross is a political analyst and democratic strategist.


Mary C. Curtis: Biggest Takeaways from Tuesday’s Primaries

CHARLOTTE, NC —  Despite the coronavirus, voters still turned out for Tuesday’s primaries in three states.

Former vice president Joe Biden sweeping victories in FloridaIllinois and Arizona building his lead over Bernie Sanders in the democratic presidential race.

Our political contributor Mary C. Curtis discusses the biggest takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries.

POLITICAL WRAP: Coronavirus Impact on Presidential Campaigns

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The coronavirus pandemic is impacting the race for the White House. Georgia and Louisiana have postponed their primaries, while other states still plan on voting Tuesday. But they will make adjustments, such as moving voting locations in or near senior living centers.

Sunday night’s democratic primary debate did not have an audience. Both candidates had a lot on the line, especially since they’re not able to hold campaign rallies right now.

Click above for more with WCCB Charlotte Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis.

Charlotte Talks Local News Roundup: Coronavirus Now Present In Mecklenburg; Mass Cancellations

There are more diagnosed cases of the coronavirus (which has now been officially named a pandemic by the World Health Organization) this week, including two so far here in Mecklenburg County.

President Trump has halted travel from most European countries. Gov. Roy Cooper has declared a state of emergency for North Carolina, and the Mecklenburg County Health Department is making preparations. Airlines are slashing the number of flights, and several entities are talking about intensifying their cleaning efforts (including Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte Area Transit System and Charlotte Douglas International Airport).

Universities in North Carolina and around the country are suspending classes or moving them online, and CMS has stopped all field trips. We’ll give you the latest.

The Hawthorne Lane Bridge has an estimated completion date for later this month, but the project looks months away from being ready. What are officials saying?

And we’ll have local reaction to this week’s primaries.

A panel of local journalists will discuss these stories and more on the local news roundup.


Glenn Burkins, founder and publisher of Qcitymetro.com

Mary C. Curtis, columnist for Rollcall.com and WCCB

Joe BrunoWSOC-TV reporter

Ann Doss HelmsWFAE education reporter

Claire Donnelly, WFAE health care reporter

Mary C. Curtis: What’s Next After Biden’s Big Night

CHARLOTTE, NC — Another big Super Tuesday for democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Political contributor Mary C. Curtis talks about the results and if Bernie Sanders should consider dropping out the race.

POLITICAL WRAP: Coronavirus Concerns; Biden and Bernie Super Tuesday Battle

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Mixed messages from the Trump administration on the Coronavirus.

And on the campaign trail, it’s essentially down to two candidates for the Democratic nomination.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is racking up endorsements, most recently from former candidate, Senator Kamala Harris.

Meantime, Senator Bernie Sanders is looking to Michigan and its 125 delegates ahead of the next Super Tuesday.