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2015 December | Mary C. Curtis

Archives for December 2015

Setting the Scene for Politics 2016

Local, state and national politics: setting the scene for 2016.

Is This What Political Diversity Looks Like?

n the 2008 presidential contest, a glance at the Democratic and Republican debate lineup was all it took to tell the story. On the Republican stage, there were recognizable faces – Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani – mixed in with Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, etc.

But it still came down to a row of white guys in dark suits, white shirts and red or blue ties. You needed a visual crib sheet to stay organized.


Breaking down the GOP debate

CHARLOTTE, NC — The main talking point following last night’s GOP debate is the strategy for combating terrorism. WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis is with us to break down the debate and talk about what it now means for the race for the White House.

Work life of Mary C. Curtis, multimedia journalist

Within minutes of meeting Mary C. Curtis, you’ll get a full rundown of what’s buzzing on Capitol Hill, a breakdown of the big headlines in Charlotte, plus a sneak peek at the must-see cultural events coming up in the city. The woman knows her stuff. Mary is a contributor for a number of national media outlets such as The Washington Post, The Root and MSNBC, just to name a few. She extends her reach across the country all the way from Charlotte. In addition to her daily assignments, she keeps a close watch on politics impacting North Carolina with a local, weekly segment on WCCB News Rising.

Did I mention Mary is a Senior Facilitator with The OpEd Project, at Yale University? She’s not busy — that is what you called “booked.”

Mary recently invited me as her guest to the Community Building Initiative Stakeholder’s Breakfast in Charlotte and I watched as she worked the room from her seat. Several individuals, including community leaders and elected officials, came to our table to greet her. I wish I had a shirt that read, “I’m with Mary.” Luckily, I didn’t need it. She was gracious enough to introduce me and my accomplishments to her network.

On Trump’s Comments on Banning Muslims

CHARLOTTE, NC — Donald Trump is standing firm on his controversial idea of banning all Muslims from coming to the United States, and he is still holding strong in the polls. WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis is with us this morning to weigh in on the Donald’s controversial comments and what it means for his campaign.

Report: Challenges, Opportunities and the Legacy of Shirley Chisholm

It is fitting that a report on the status of black women in American politics was released in celebration of the life and legacy of Shirley Chisholm on what would have been the late congresswoman’s 91st birthday.

Chisholm, who died in 2005, was the first African-American woman elected to the U.S. Congress in 1968. Her barrier-breaking campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 1972 contest paved the way for both President Barack Obama and presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

“Voices. Votes. Leadership. The Status of Black Women in American Politics,”released on Monday by Higher Heights in partnership with the Center for American Women and Politics and Political Parity, discusses both the challenges and opportunities for black women to use their considerable political power to expand their political representation.

A Very Busy N.C. Election Season

CHARLOTTE, NC — Voters may not be able to cast ballots for another three months, but North Carolina’s election season is already in full swing. WCCB Political Contributor Mary C. Curtis stops by to talk about all of the political posturing happening around the Tar Heel state and put it in perspective.