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2013 April | Mary C. Curtis

Archives for April 2013

What Foxx’s promotion means for him, the White House and Charlotte

CHARLOTTE — When Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx said that he would not run for the third term he was almost guaranteed to win easily, most folks in town figured something big was in his future. The explanation everyone expected officially came on Monday when President Obama announced Foxx, a Democrat, was his choice to join his second-term cabinet as Secretary of Transportation. The White House praised Foxx’s dealing with federal, state, regional and local transportation issues.

Foxx, who turns 42 on Tuesday, is Charlotte second African American mayor, the city’s youngest when he was first elected in 2009. No one in the region is surprised. When the FBI starts vetting you, it’s pretty hard to keep it a secret, especially in a Southern city that can be more like a small town.

Different tastes in music justify an all-white prom? Ridiculous

Pop culture in America has always broken rules and crossed lines authorities created to keep races apart. Jazz, a uniquely American art form, could not have been created without a fusion of cultures. There has been pushback, too, with denunciations from 1950s adults who saw racial subversion and contamination in Elvis’s hips and Little Richard’s shouts, and their grown-up children who just don’t “get” hip-hop.

From Mississippi to Boston, it’s the accusation that lingers

What is the lasting effect if you’re caught “trending” as the news of the day? Your name lives on, part of an electronic and social media trail that lasts forever.

Keeping It Positive: YWCA Past, Present, and Future


CHARLOTTE, NC: The YWCA of Central Carolinas is hosting an exhibit called “We Are” through May 14. The exhibit showcases the YWCA’s presence in the Charlotte community since 1902. Mary Curtis stops by Rising to discuss the YWCA’s work and how they’re taking a stand against racism this week.

Meeting a hero


With Arch of Triumph Johnson C. Smith University winner

Congressman John Lewis at Johnson C. Smith University awards dinner: Too many of our children are not receiving an education, he said. “As a nation we can do better. … If we fail to act, history will not be kind to us.”

Understanding the bomber next door

It’s not that the women, the mothers, don’t blame both brothers Tsarnaev as law enforcement officials continue to investigate the bombings at the Boston Marathon and its aftermath, horrors that killed and maimed. There is no limit to the anger and rage aimed at the two of them.

But while the back story for the older brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan, provided a simplistic explanation that made it easy to keep him at a distance, 19-year-old Dzhokhar’s is a different American tale.

Can we talk about gun violence?

CHARLOTTE – On the federal level, the gun-control debate is now focused on proposed changes to gun legislation, from tightening background checks (given little chance of passage) to efforts to ban military-style assault weapons and limit the capacity of ammunition magazines (given even less).

On the local level, however, in the city neighborhoods where violence doesn’t merit the headlines of Newtown or Aurora, that debate is secondary. The concern there is concentrated on gun violence rather than gun control. At a community conversation in Charlotte on Tuesday evening, a police officer, a doctor and a minister – all experienced in dealing with the daily consequences of young men with guns – led an effort to find solutions.

More Mark Sanford drama? Like you’re surprised

Just when his apology tour was going so well, South Carolina’s Mark Sanford is in the headlines again — and not for his conservative fiscal policies. His ex-wife Jenny Sanford has filed a trespassing complaint saying that in violation of their divorce settlement, she caught him leaving her home in February, using his cell phone as a flashlight.

Jenny Sanford has confirmed that court documents obtained by The Associated Press were authentic, but didn’t give any more details. She told The State newspaper on Tuesday, “We have had a number of matters [in the divorce], and we have to deal with them in private.” Well, except that her husband is running a very public U.S. Congressional race. “The race is not a concern,” Jenny Sanford said. “I am focused on raising my children.”

This can’t be the news South Carolina Republicans wanted to see weeks before a May 7 special election Sanford has a great chance of winning.

Keeping It Positive: Play Date Options Around Town

Kid friendly Earth Day celebrations in Charlotte, and a report on my acting debut, for a good cause. On Fox News Rising:

Kermit Gosnell trial: It’s about more than politics

Karnamaya Mongar is the name of the 41-year-old woman Kermit Gosnell is charged with murdering; she allegedly received high doses of anesthetic at his Philadelphia abortion clinic. The seven children Gosnell is accused of killing at his Women’s Medical Society, as it was called, didn’t have the chance to be named. They are what the trial of the Philadelphia abortion doctor is about. But in the media coverage – and the arguments over the amount and prominence of that coverage – those individuals often fade into the background.

The women and children of color, the alleged victims, need to be at the top of every story now guaranteed to be written about the Gosnell trial, not pushed off center stage, replaced by an agenda.